Community Power in Campton

What is happening in Campton?

The Select Board established the Community Power Committee on June 5, 2023 and joined the NH Community Power Coalition. The committee drafted a preliminary Community Power Plan which allows the town to establish community power. The plan was presented at public hearings on Dec 4 and Dec 21, 2023. A final draft of the plan was approved by the Select Board on January 29.  A warrant article to adopt the plan will be submitted to the town meeting on March 16.  If approved, the town will start the process of launching community power, with an anticipated start date of August, 2024.

Public hearings held on Dec 4 & 20, 2023

The public hearings gave Campton residents an opportunity to learn about community power and to participate in decisions about how it should be implemented in Campton.  If you missed the meeting, you can download the PPT presentation from the meeting or read the minutes.

Warrant Article to be submitted at town meeting

A warrant article adopting the Campton Community Power Plan will be presented to the voters at the March 13, 2024 town meeting: 

“To see if the Town will vote to adopt the Campton Community Power Plan, to authorize the Select Board to implement the plan, and to take all action in furtherance thereof, pursuant to RSA 53-E. The Campton Community Power plan is an initiative to offer lower electricity rates to residents. The plan will launch only if it can offer lower rates. Initial participation can be declined and residents can opt out at any time in the future.”

Tax Impact: None

Select Board Vote: Approved 4-0-1

The Campton Community Power committee will be setting up a table where people can find out more about the program before the meeting starts.  A copy of the plan and other information about community power is available elsewhere on this site.


Want to learn more?

If you are interested in finding out more or helping to bring community power to Campton, please contact us at:

Campton Community Power Committee

PO Box 1024

Campton, NH 03223
